Jujutsu Kaisen follows Yuji Itadori, a young man, who encounters Megumi Fushiguro, a sorceress searching for Ryomen Sukuna's finger. They fight Curses, but Yuji becomes Sukuna's host, facing trial and encountering witches.
Photo Credit : MAPPA
The Fake Death of Yuji Itadori
Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara attempt to exorcise Curses in an abandoned building, encountering a powerful Cursed Spirit, leading to Yuji's death. Gojo prepares for confrontations, while Yuji undergoes covert training.
Photo Credit : MAPPA
Event at the Kinema Theater
Junpei Yoshino witnesses classmates' deaths at Kinema Cinema, creating an attachment to the Cursed Spirit. Yuji assists Nanami in investigating, defeating Curses and uncovering they are ex-humans transfigured by Cursed Energy.
Photo Credit : MAPPA
Junpei's passing
Nanami breaks into Mahito's lair, leading to a bloody fight, where Mahito demonstrates Idle Transfiguration, causing revenge on Junpei. Yuji intervenes, killing Mahito but dying due to his inability to save Junpei and his brother.
Photo Credit : MAPPA
The Fight With Hanami
The Kyoto Goodwill Event begins, with Gojo revealing Yuji's existence. Aoi and Yuji fight, forming a bond. Aoi helps Yuji improve his sorcery. Hanami's death ends the conflict, but Mahito escapes with Cursed Objects and stolen Sukuna fingers.
Photo Credit : MAPPA
Megumi Using His Battle Death Paintings And Domain Expansion
Yuji and friends investigate murders, uncovering Cursed victims beneath Yasohachi Bridge, defeating Finger Bearer, and uncovering Yuji and Nobara's involvement.