The Fall Guy 2: Will It Happen? Everything We Know

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By Aniket

The Fall Guy 2: Will It Happen? Everything We Know

Did you love the action-packed fun of “The Fall Guy”? Are you wondering if Colt Seavers (Ryan Gosling) will return for more daring stunts and thrilling escapes? While a sequel hasn’t been officially greenlit, there are several exciting hints that suggest The Fall Guy 2 might be on the horizon. Let’s dive into everything we know so far!

The Fall Guy 2 Is Not Confirmed: No Word Yet On A Sequel

As of today, there’s no official confirmation from the studio regarding The Fall Guy 2. This doesn’t necessarily mean bad news, though. Sequels often depend on a variety of factors, including the critical and commercial performance of the first film.

Positive Signs for The Fall Guy 2

Here’s where things get interesting: despite the lack of an official announcement, there are several positive signs pointing towards a potential sequel.

  • Box Office Performance: While not earth-shattering, The Fall Guy’s box office performance isn’t a dealbreaker. With a reported budget of $130-150 million, the film grossed over $28.5 million domestically in its opening weekend. While it may not have been a blockbuster, it indicates a healthy start and potential for further revenue through streaming and international releases.
  • Critical Reception: Reviews for The Fall Guy were generally positive, praising the film’s action sequences, performances, and comedic elements. Positive critical reception can significantly influence a studio’s decision to greenlight a sequel.
  • Creative Team’s Enthusiasm: Both Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt, who starred in the first film, have expressed interest in returning for a sequel. In an interview, Gosling even mentioned a script already being in existence! Director David Leitch has also shown enthusiasm for continuing the story.

The Fall Guy 2 Cast: Will Blunt & Gosling Return?

If a sequel does happen, it’s highly likely that Ryan Gosling would reprise his role as Colt Seavers, the charming yet troubled stuntman with a knack for finding trouble. Likewise, Emily Blunt’s return as the strong-willed director, Jody Danko, seems probable considering their rekindled romance at the end of the first film.

There’s also the possibility of seeing other familiar faces return, such as Colt’s crew members or perhaps even a surprise cameo from a cast member of the original TV series. Of course, new characters could also be introduced to expand the world and explore fresh storylines.

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The Fall Guy 2 Story: Are More Stunts In Colt’s Future?

While details about the potential plot are scarce, some hints can be gleaned from the first film and the creative team’s comments.

  • Unfinished Business: The original film left some loose ends, particularly regarding the shady film industry practices Colt and Jody exposed. A sequel could delve deeper into these issues, with Colt and Jody utilizing their unique skillsets to tackle new challenges within the Hollywood machine.
  • A New Adventure: As mentioned earlier, Ryan Gosling hinted at a script focusing on “the next phase” for Colt and Jody. This could involve a completely new adventure, perhaps taking them on a globe-trotting mission or introducing a fresh threat they must overcome.
  • Building on the First Film: The first film established the core dynamic between Colt and Jody, their contrasting personalities, and their undeniable chemistry. A sequel could build upon this foundation, exploring their relationship further while throwing them into new high-stakes situations.

The Future of The Fall Guy Franchise

Whether The Fall Guy 2 gets the green light ultimately depends on the film’s overall performance and the studio’s evaluation of its potential for future profitability. However, the positive signs mentioned above paint an optimistic picture. Fans who loved the first film can stay hopeful and keep their eyes peeled for any official announcements from the studio.

In conclusion, while The Fall Guy 2 hasn’t been confirmed yet, the positive reception, strong creative team, and potential for further storytelling create a compelling case for a sequel. If you’re a fan of action, comedy, and seeing Ryan Gosling defy gravity, then keep your fingers crossed for more daring escapades from Colt Seavers and the world of The Fall Guy!

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